Setup & Best Practices
- Starter repo
LUH-AI template for code repositories. It contains crucial features such as linting, formatting, automated tests, and checking docstrings. This should be used for all projects. - The art of debugging
Comprehensive overview of debugging strategies. - How to debug your ML algorithm
Blogpost about debugging ML code - How to debug your RL algorithm
Blogpost about debugging RL code
- Starter repo
ML Frameworks
- Torch
Our standard ML framework. Torch should be the basis for most projects and should only be deviated from in very special cases. - Jax
Alternative to Torch, but only recommended for project with high hardware demands. The startup cost is high and thus this should be discussed with the supervisor before using. - Scikit-Learn
Framework with many options for classic ML & Data Science methods. - Tensorflow
Alternative to Torch. Tensorflow should not be used in projects with us. - Keras
Interface for multiple ML frameworks. There should be no reason to use Keras over Torch.
- Torch
AutoML Tools & Benchmarks
Our HPO Tool, the default choice for optimization. - Hypersweeper
Parallel execution of different HPO tools. Should be combined with SMAC for expensive projects. - AutoPyTorch
Pipeline search for Torch. - AutoSKlearn
Pipeline search for SKlearn. Useful for tabular data.
- Analyse Tools
Reinforcement Learning
RL Algorithms
- Mighty
Flexible implementations of (Meta-)RL algorithms in Torch. - CleanRL
Implementations of various algorithms and environments. - PureJax
Very fast, but not very flexible or simple to change - Stoix
Alternative zu PureJax with simpler interface
- Classic Control
Very simple, but good for testing & debugging. - MiniGrid
Testing exploration with a large variety of difficulties. - CARL
Extensions of classic environments to test generalization. - Mujoco
Robotic simulations. - Brax
Alternative to Mujoco, only recommend for use cases with high parallelization. - MiniHack
NetHack variations, that have a lot of variance and can become very difficult, but also have complicated observation spaces. Ideal to test skills or for very hard tasks. - Crafter/Craftax
Minecraft-like environment with simpler observations. Can become quite complex and contains temporal dependencies. - Robotics Gym
Complex robotics tasks on realistic models. - Atari
Atari game. Somewhat difficult, but most of all expensive to evaluate. Only recommended for HPO, offline RL or in the 100k version. - ProcGen
Similar to Atari with added complexity. - Pufferlib
Faster execution of many different environments.
- Mighty