Day of AI 2024

Networking on AI at the LUH

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The rapid development of artificial intelligence is shaping not only the technological landscape but also nearly all scientific disciplines. To address this development and fully exploit the diverse potentials of AI at our university, we warmly invite you to the first Artificial Intelligence Day at Leibniz University Hannover. The aim of the day is for us to exchange ideas on the diverse topics of AI: from basic research and its application in research to questions of how AI can be used efficiently in teaching.

When: August 13th (Tuesday)
Where: Lichthof Welfengarten 1
Who: Everyone being interested in AI
Registration Deadline: 31.July*

* Please register as soon as possible so that we can plan the number of participants (and the snacks on the evening) accordingly.


Keynote Speaker: Prof. Dr. Holger Hoos

We are excited to have an outstanding keynote speaker for our AI day at the LUH.

Holger H. Hoos is an Alexander von Humboldt Professor of AI at RWTH Aachen University (Germany), Professor of Machine Learning at Universiteit Leiden (the Netherlands) and Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia (Canada), where he also holds an appointment as Faculty Associate at the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. He is a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Fellow of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI), chairman of the board of the Confederation of Laboratories of Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe (CLAIRE), vice-president of EurAI, past president of the Canadian Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAIAC), member of the Advisory Board and former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) and leader of the VISION coordination mandate for the four European networks of centres of excellence in AI established in 2020.

Prof. Holger Hoos, AvH Professor at RWTH Aachen
  • Program

    14:00 - 14:15

    Welcome and introduction to the program
    Prof. Dr. Marius Lindauer und VPF Prof. Dr. Holger Blume

    14:15 - 15:00

    Keynote: AvH Prof. Holger Hoos

    15:00 - 17:30

    Marketplace rounds with poster presentations and keynote speeches on current AI topics:

    • AI in the technical sciences
    • AI in the natural sciences
    • AI in the humanities
    • AI in the social sciences
    • AI in the health sciences
    • AI in teaching
    • Core AI

    Each marketplace round will be introduced by short 1-min spotlight talks by each poster presenter. The marketplace rounds offer a mix of the different topics.

    17:30 - 18:30

    Panel-Diskussion zur Zukunft von KI in der Wissenschaft
        Moderation: Prof. Lindauer

       Speaker: Prof. Bodo Rosenhahn, Prof. Margrit Seckelmann, Prof. Thomas Seel, Prof. Stefanie Büchner,  Prof. Holger Hoos

    18:30 - 18:45

    Summary and Outlook

    ab 18:45

    Get-Together and Snacks

  • Objectives of the event

    Our goals for this event are:

    • Insights and exchange on current AI projects - Identify synergies and opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration.
    • Present new research ideas - Discuss your ideas and find partners for future projects.
    • Personal networking - Make contacts that go beyond the event and form the basis for future collaborations.
  • Participation format

    Based on the successful Energy Research Day (thanks to Richard Hanke-Rauschenbach and his team for the inspiration), the focus will be on posters that you can submit to discuss research, make contacts and stimulate cooperation.

    • the individual contributions of the participants are prepared on posters (please bring your own) and assigned to a specific marketplace round in advance or on site
      • At the beginning of each marketplace round, the assigned speakers present themselves and their topic in a series of short keynote speeches (1 min each)
      • On the basis of these keynote speeches, all other participants (= visitor role) decide which posters they will visit in the following exchange round
      • In the subsequent exchange/discussion round, there is then time for an individual, bi- or multilateral exchange at the individual posters; participants typically visit three to four posters during this phase
      • Afterwards, all participants come together again in plenary and the next marketplace round starts
    • When registering for the event, you can decide whether you only want to take on a visitor role or whether you also want to contribute to one of the marketplace rounds; the following rough (!) assignment is provided:
      • AI in Engineering Sciences / Technical Sciences
      • AI in Natural Sciences
      • AI in Humanities / Humanities
      • AI in Social Sciences
      • AI in Health Sciences
      • AI in Education / Teaching
      • Core AI
    • Contributions of all kinds are welcome - from "Info on a specific project" to "Overview contribution" and "Wild idea seeks competent team"
  • Target Audience

    This event is aimed at:

    • Researchers from all disciplines working on AI and/or its applications
    • PhD students and postdocs pursuing projects in the field of AI in the broadest sense
    • Faculty members and teaching staff who are interested in AI research and teaching
    • or simply to all members of the university who would like to learn more about AI
  • Organization


Participation registration until July 31st

This page is set up for participants of the AI Day so that we can plan the number of participants and the poster distribution. Please provide us with a (tentative) title of your poster* and your contact details. Please also register if you are not presenting a poster.

* There is a limited number of poster spots available. If the number of registration should exceed this capacity, the organizers will select a subset of presentative posters.

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