Institut für Künstliche Intelligenz LUHAI Institut Neuigkeiten
Looking back at ESSAI23 & EURO PhD summer school

Looking back at ESSAI23 & EURO PhD summer school

ESSAI23 in Ljubljana, Slovenia | Euro PhD summer school in Bielefeld, Germany

The AutoML group had some eventful weeks behind them.


Marius Lindauer, Carolin Benjamins, and Aditya Mohan visited ESSAI23 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Katharina Eggensperger, and Marius Lindauer presented a general introduction to #AutoML, #HPO, #NAS, human-centered AutoML, and AutoML systems to over 100 interested researchers.

The visit marks the starting point for a collaboration with the working group of Tome Eftimov.


Euro PhD summer school

On September, 5 Marius Lindauer and Alexander Tornede had the pleasure of talking about algorithm selection and configuration at the "data science meets combinatorial optimization" EURO PhD summer school hosted by Bielefeld University.


The material is online and you can check it out:


Next week the AutoML Group will attend the AutoML Conference. Find more information here: AutoML Conference 2023 – Institut für Künstliche Intelligenz – Leibniz Universität Hannover (